
4 Step Process to Prepare for Your Unplanned Absence from Your Business cash flow financial best practices planning


What happens to your business when you’re a party of 1 and you get sick?

So sick that you can’t just push through it?

Prior to December, I’d been fortunate to not...

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How to Break the Cycle of Bad Data planning procedures process improvement scale your business


[Listen to the Podcast version here]


Today’s subject is very near and dear to my heart – taking out the garbage & cleaning up your data!

I’ve spent my...

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How to Choose Your Success Metrics financial best practices planning scale your business


[Listen to the Podcast version here]


Are you measuring what’s truly important to your business success?

In the world of online business, it’s easy to get distracted...

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Planning for a Successful 2023 Part 2 cash flow financial best practices planning scale your business


[Listen to the Podcast version here]


Last week, we talked about setting yourself up for success for next year by creating a structure to start your planning and gathering some...

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Planning for a Successful 2023 Part 1 cash flow planning process improvement scale your business


[Listen to the Podcast version here]


4th quarter has arrived!

It’s that time of year that business owners enjoy the most – planning for the next year!

You can read...

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Adopting a CEO Mindset for Financial Success accountability financial best practices planning scale your business


[Listen to the Podcast version here]


If you’re struggling with the financial side of managing your business, you’re not alone. Very few women make it to the C-Suite...

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My Framework For Scaling Your Small Business cash flow planning scale your business


If you’re thinking of scaling your small business, you’re likely utilizing your Google research wizardry skills. That may even be how you came across this blog!

By now, you know...

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Think Like A CEO: 8 Questions To Ask Your Bookkeeper cash flow financial best practices planning


A few things in life are certain: death, taxes, and the importance of a good bookkeeper for your business.

However, you should be aware that there is no industry standard for bookkeeping....

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What Does A Small Business CFO Do? accountability cash flow financial best practices planning process improvement


When you hear the title Chief Financial Officer (CFO), do you automatically think of Fortune 500s and their skyrise corner office suites?

Well, I’d be willing to bet that successful...

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Strategic Planning Process planning
Do you have a strategic plan?
Do you need one?
I hope you said "Yes!" to both of those questions!
If you didn't, that's ok. Keep on reading!
There are a lot of...
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Defining Accountability & Responsibility in Your Processes accountability planning procedures productivity
What do you need to know when you map out a process?
Typical answers include:
  • What steps need to be taken to accomplish the task and in what order?
  • How long should each step take?
  • Who...
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Does Everyone Look at Your Financials the Same Way? financial statements planning
Does everyone look at your financials the same way?
Short answer? No, they don't.
There are a bunch of people that could be looking at your financial statements at some point in your...
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Unleash Your Cash Flow Potential


Ready to see how the Cash Flow Ignition Method can turbocharge your cash flow and put you on the fast-track to success?

Learn how my method can help you:

  • Develop a clear picture of what success means for you
  • Make snappy, confident decisions that kick your cash flow into high gear
  • Run your operations like a well-oiled machine, no firefighting needed
  • Shift gears with ease as business needs change