Episode 20: Planning For The Future With An Eagle Eye

You cannot achieve long term success in your business if you remain the Chief Everything Officer.

You must transition from Chief Everything Officer to Chief Executive Officer.

One of the ways you do this is to shift your focus from short-term firefighting to developing an eagle vision for your business.

Where humans have a 20/20 vision on average, eagles have 20/5 vision. In real terms, what this means is that eagles can see things from 20 feet away that we can only see from 5 feet away.

As a CEO, you need to cultivate a far-seeing vision. You may not be able to see it with the naked eye, but you can envision what you want to create and take steps to make it a reality, slowly bringing it into focus.

Learn more on today's episode.

Show notes:

If you’re struggling with seeing yourself as a CEO, go back and listen to episode 1, Adopting a CEO Mindset for Financial Success. It breaks down 5 key elements of the CEO mindset and is a great place to start identifying where your mindset blocks are.

If you want to learn more about how we can work together to achieve your eagle vision, schedule your Cash Flow Strategy Call today.




Your Virtual CFO Coach host: Lieah Torbert, CEO of Harrington Strategic Partners


Incorporating 20 years’ experience in the retail, oil & gas, automotive, and chemical manufacturing industries, I developed my proprietary growth system, the Cash Flow Ignition Method.

My system helps you build & implement a fully customized roadmap to achieving your business goals without sacrificing more of your personal time.

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering if there’s a better way to:

  • Have a financial strategy that drives profit, work/life harmony, expansion and retirement
  • Transition from the owner/operator of your business to the strategic CEO


Then it’s time for you to learn more about how the Cash Flow Ignition Method can help get you there!


 Take the Wheel of Your Destiny:

Shape the course of your business by adopting a Decisive CEO Mindset. Be the one confidently calling the shots, making choices that pave the way for growth and success.


 Run Your Operations Like a Well-Oiled Machine:

Imagine your cash flow as a high-performance engine. Make sure it runs smoothly with every part working together seamlessly. This is your Cohesive Cash Flow System, ensuring that your business stays fueled and ready for action.


 Design your Cultivated Success Blueprint:

Take charge of designing a roadmap that guides your journey to success. It's not a one-size-fits-all plan - it's a tailor-made strategy that aligns seamlessly with your business goals so you can transform your business into a high-powered machine, breaking through barriers and achieving what others say is impossible.


Learn more about Harrington’s services

Schedule your Cash Flow Optimization (CFO) call



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