
Post-Procedure...What Happens Now?

accountability procedures process improvement Nov 26, 2018
Good job! You’ve written a procedure and rolled it out to everyone! Now what?
There are a few things you need to keep in mind:
  • It will take some time for everyone to be comfortable with the new procedure. In the beginning, they might forget and do it the old way. Be patient!
  • You may need to review the procedure several times to make sure everyone understands what they need to do and ensure they are actually following it.
  • Don't be alarmed if you come across resistance after rolling out the new procedure. Change can be difficult. Talk to your outliers and learn why they are struggling so you can help them understand and accept the new way forward.
  • Over the next couple of weeks, gather feedback from the people using the procedure. Is it working the way you had hoped? Have areas been identified that still need some work?
As time goes on, adjustments may need to be made to streamline the procedure and work out all of the kinks. This is normal!
Conditions change over time. New customers come on board, new employees are hired, technology advancements could have an impact on your business…whatever the issues are, you can be flexible and keep your operation moving forward!
Previous articles in this series:
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